
The purpose of this discussion is to clarify and solidify in teachers' minds the finer points of scientific literacy. Please add your comments to the posts below or pose a new question about something you need clarification for or are curious about. Even if you are looking for connections between your curriculum and the real world (STSE), feel free to ask by contacting me at william.kierstead@gnb.ca.
I will respond to your questions here and invite feedback from all.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Nothing To Do With Science at All

Hi again

I just thought I would share this with you because it concerns one of my daughters and as a proud father, I am duty bound to crow about it.
Abby, my youngest sings back up vocals for a blues band in the Miramichi called the Terry Whalen Band. THeir brand of blues ranges from the deep elta stuff to the more recent Stones and Zepplin brand of blues. Anyway the cool thing is that the CD just released entitled "The Devil's Fireplace" has been nominated for an East Coast Music Award (Best Blues Album). I am looking forward to February when the winners will be announced.
Click here to see the list of nominees!

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