
The purpose of this discussion is to clarify and solidify in teachers' minds the finer points of scientific literacy. Please add your comments to the posts below or pose a new question about something you need clarification for or are curious about. Even if you are looking for connections between your curriculum and the real world (STSE), feel free to ask by contacting me at william.kierstead@gnb.ca.
I will respond to your questions here and invite feedback from all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Science Survey Released

Well on Friday Sptember 19th at 2pm, the sciecne needs assessment tool was released into the wild to every teacher of science from grades K through 8 in the province. The survey formerly known as the Platypus Precursor (see previous posts) was tweaked and rebranded as a Department of Education needs assessment.

We are very excited at the thought of haveing access to all the data. After all the point of this is to do a better job in science. Hopeflully by comapring high performing districts, we will be able to better plan our own PD to maximize our impact in the classroom.

1 comment:

fletch3836 said...

An interesting blog that our science teachers may want to check out Link here