
The purpose of this discussion is to clarify and solidify in teachers' minds the finer points of scientific literacy. Please add your comments to the posts below or pose a new question about something you need clarification for or are curious about. Even if you are looking for connections between your curriculum and the real world (STSE), feel free to ask by contacting me at william.kierstead@gnb.ca.
I will respond to your questions here and invite feedback from all.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Survey is Complete - Stay Tuned for Analysis

The Science Needs Assessment for teachers of K - 8 science has been completed by the teachers of New Brunswick. Our plan in district 16 is to compare the province as a whole to our district. Specifically, we are interested in the results from Districts 2 and 18. These districts performed much better than we did on the 2006 PISA and if they have the answer, we want it. District 17 is also of interest in that they performed similarly to District 16.

If we can track similarities with district 17 and differences with Districts 2 and 18, perhaps we can develop strategies to move our own teachers towards improvement

This week will tell the tale. Check back for bits and pieces that we find interesting

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